Hawkeye Episode 5 Review : They've hit it out of the park...


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    This show is keep getting better, last episode was fantastic this one is even better. Especially with the addition of Yelena. She is great, I absolutely love her character. Florence Pugh is such a fine actor, she is living the character of Yelena. The opening scene where Yelena disintegrates and comes back within seconds is very well shot.

    The way the directors have handled the interaction between the characters is praise worthy. The conversation between Kate & Yeleana is just amazing and one of favourite scenes from the show. Both Hailee Steinfeld and Florence Pugh have done a fabulous job in that particular scene. Jeremy Renner again as good as ever. 

    The story moves pretty quickly as Clint has to put an end to all this mess. In doing so he reveals his Ronin side to Maya and tells her back down after telling her who ordered to kill her father. Kate saves Clint from Maya. Meanwhile Jack is being arrested by the police after Eleanor reports about him to the authorities. That stuff looks shady. 

    After the confrontation with Kate, Yelena follows Eleanor and lets Kate know that, Eleanor is the one who assigned her to kill Hawkeye. But that is not the big surprise. The big blow comes right at the end when they reveal the big guy, who is none other than Kingpin aka Wilson Fisk. 

    The show just reached to another level after the reveal of Kingpin. That opens so many doors in the storyline not only in this show but in the entire MCU. The last episode is certainly going to be crazy.

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